Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tea Party at Night.

At Friends' Cafe again.
Since some of my buds are back in Ipoh.
There goes another round of "yumcha"/meet up.

Mine was Peach Tea and Calvin ordered Chamomile Honey Tea 
(which i think tastes like chrysanthemum instead)
Coincidently wanted to order tea cause it's non-fat
I have to talk myself out from getting Hot Caramel (my usual choice) cause i refrain from getting any wider.

I commented that he looked dreamy in this pic.

Cheese Wedges

Ciara and SikSik

Calvin got bored while we were busy working that flash *ahem*

I can proudly announce that somebody took over my place of being the Albino one.

i did not edit this photo.
So tell me. Who do you think is fairer?

Lastly. Thanks love for that AWESOME bday present =)
I love it! 


JaniceW said...

grrrr... i hate u like 192837123987129837281937 times...
gatherin without me >.<

Ames said...

woi tunggu lu balik kita yum 99..bercamwhore 99