Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chef Amy

I love today's weather.
It rained heavily this morning, leaving the weather cool and breezy now.
My weekend back in Ipoh was awesome.
Besides the usual family get-together..
The sisters and i had our american breakfast together
and chef of the day was of course le chef amy.
 Let's just say my cooking skills deteriorated a lot slightly
Overall breakfast was edible =)
eggs looks like they're suffering from chickenpox ...
bacon and ham looks pretty much normal. (just extra greasy)
My guest commented that the best looking food was the bread =.='' 
(which doesnt require cooking)

Photo taken by my sister.
Future husband will runaway if he sees this.

Something much more appetizing than the above.
Breakfast at Double Tree.

 Nasi lemak

 Ham and roti canai =.='

 The view

Those foreigners are EXTREMELY healthy. They start off with loads of bread (with butter and jam) accompanied by milk, then some salad, yogurt then fruits.

I had bread, bake beans, pastries, eggs, ham, nasilemak, roticanai, sausages, yogurt.. etc.. 
*shifty eyes*

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