Lab nearly broke me into half today.
So freaggin tired.
Imagine stirring (using own arm) for more than 3 hours
plus over inhaling chemicals which btw smells like the worst case of shoes glue.
It gets worse upon heating.
I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before
hence, me turning into a zombie is most likely
My roomie warned me not to go out of the room as i would possibly scare innocents away.
More blogging tmr.
Sleep nao.
U still tak active ur FB yet ehh??
U dah dapat jadual semester tak?? Dapat cuti tak on 28/10/11 which is my wedding day.
Btw babe, please click like at one of the contest I've join at my new entry..Dreamm Wedding I khas untuk contest CST & Lydna Rahim..Our lucky number is 137 & 138 Supoort tau..TQ darling..=))
nope.. still inactive.
I will check on my timetable. Should be ok la..since it's friday =)
Good luck for your contest ! =)
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